Photo Essay: Makeup Artists on Campus

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Photo Essay: Makeup Artists on Campus
Article by Kellie Toyama, photography by Maeve Sullivan

Taking the time to use a face as a canvas for bright colors and abstract lines doesn’t have to come from a place of insecurity. Makeup as a form of self-expression doesn’t have to be something to “hide behind.” Paint on the body in the case of the people in these photographs is an extension of creativity, as wardrobe is for most. Photographer Maeve Sullivan notes that “each person’s makeup coincides with the energy they give off,” and much like all other mediums of art, the intention behind each mascara flick or swirl of eyeshadow can be open to interpretation. It can be a natural process from an artist’s hand and should be recognized as just that. In these eight images, individuals are captured with their latest works on display before it is wiped off and recreated the next day.

Alyssa Reece 

Jessica Laar

Kellie Toyama 
Mackenzie Talbado

Robyn de Leon 
Sophia Ballesteros

Electra Kamphefner

Una Smoole

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